
5 Tips How To Stay Safe Over Public WIFI

Use a VPN

VPNs redirects your traffic through a custom encrypted servers, so that you need one you can trust. Either pay up for a good VPN provider or pass for a well-known, well-set up free one.

This is a connection method which could hide your IP address, encrypt information transfers and masks your location.

use a vpn

We won’t go into a full VPN comparison guide here, but these TunnelBearIPVanishCyberGhostHotspot Shield and Private Internet Access  are highly recommended.

Make sure Your Visiting Site Uses HTTPS

Making sure you are only visiting encrypted sites  which has HTTPS at the begining. To avoid your PC getting hacked over a public Wi-Fi network, stick to websites that use HTTPS throughout your Internet surfing activity. While ordinary web sites transfer content material in simple text

 web sites that use HTTPS, encrypt your actions make offering a further layer of security. In order to make sure you found look for a padlock in the adress bar

Site Uses HTTPS

Keep the Firewall Enabled

A firewall acts as a barrier that protects your device from information based malware threats. It actively monitors the records packets that come from networks and checks whether or not they’re secure or not. If it sees any malicious information packet, it receives blocked by way of the firewall. By blocking certain types of data, the firewall protects your pc or network and safeguards your statistics from attacks.

Though it may not fully secure your system ,make sure it is enable in your system

fire wall

Switch off File sharing option

when connected to the public internet, do you really need to have sharing option turned on? Apparently, not! So proper after you verify the network, turn off the file sharing option. File sharing is usually pretty easy to turn off from the system or control panel, depending up on your machine

 If you do not stop these settings earier than connecting to a public Wi-Fi network, anyone in the vicinity may be capable to hack into your PC

file sharing laptops pc

Don’t access sensitive information

Don’t give private information when your in public WIFI , that could allow for fraud or identity theft. Information and passwords sent via standard, unencrypted wireless are especially easy for hackers to hijack

sensitive information iphone

Never post your full name, Social Security number, address, phone number, or account numbers in publicly accessible sites when you are in public wifi, it makes hackers easy to guess your passwords,

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