Eating Healthy

Getting the Kids Excited about Eating Healthy

Let’s face it; almost every parent automatically goes into a discussion about eating healthy with the fear of dread and failure. It is written all over our faces. We go into that conversation expecting a battle and even a loss.

It does not have to be that way, however. There are some creative and fun ways to get the kids excited about eating healthy, especially if you include them.

Make It Fun!

There are so many creative ways to get the kids involved in making healthy choices. What you want to accomplish is a sense of pride and a feeling that they are in control. Once you take out the idea that you are in control and it is their body and their choice, things will go a little smoother.

Have your children accompany you to a fresh fruit and vegetable stand. If the weather permits, get your kids involved in picking their own fruit – anything from strawberries to apples and grapes to pumpkins that is available in season for picking.

On your outing, make it clear that the foods they are picking will be the ones that they will help to make into meals.

Get the Kids in the Kitchen

Many of us from generations past seem to believe that cooking is a solo act. Get your kids in the kitchen and involved in the act. Cooking should not be a chore for one person to maintain. Let it be a family function.

Teach your children how to assist you in preparing the family meal. Have them take turns chopping and dicing (of course, according to age and safety) and have them take turns seasoning too. There is not a kid around that does not love to add spice to a recipe.

This gives the kids a great opportunity to see how healthy cooking is fun while giving them a sense of pride and a lifelong skill. If you do not know how to cook, you will not know how to survive!

Take Turns/That’s Fair

Have a schedule of who gets to pick which meal for the week. Let your children sit down on a Sunday and browse a cookbook of simple recipes, or go online. We all know that our children are perfectly capable of using the internet.

By having each child pick a meal once or twice for the week, you give that child of feeling of accomplishment and success. Take them to the store for the ingredients. Have some fun when you get home and sort and group your vegetables by color. Slice, dice, and parboil them and put them into little baggies for later use.

Another great idea is to have a special treat for dessert that has healthier ingredients and prepare it for the weekend. You can use things like skim milk or egg whites to make heart-healthy desserts fun and tasty too!

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