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Static vs Dynamic stretching

Dynamic stretching is a movement-based strategy used to improve mobility, moving through a range-of-motion, usually in a way that resembles the sport or actions that will be performed.
Static stretching is holding a stretch without any movement

Why Static vs Dynamic?

I often get the question by parents and coaches, “What is the best way to warm-up, my athlete?. Should I stretch them before games? What should we do in practices?” and I always like to point out there is a different way that athletes can warm-up and a different way to stretch.

Static stretching can best be described as the old-school traditional stretching, these stretches involve bringing an isolated muscle or group of muscles to their peak position and holding it there for 15 to 30 seconds stretches like the hurdler stretch, where you sit with one leg out in front of you and grab your toes is a good example of a static stretch.

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